Thursday, April 5, 2012

Sand Art by Andres Amador

Here some more inspiration for the beach!

Andres Amador is a sand artist who uses the beach instead of a canvas, and sand instead of paint. The sand art that Andres creates is temporary and thus symbolizes the passing of life and how easily everything can be erased.

Andres performs his art during the fool moon when tide is low. Also, the sand artist has worked on some sand art wedding proposals, so this might not be a bad idea for all of you seeking original ways to pop the question!

Finally, I'll end this post with a quote: "When you know that something is not going to last, you stop and you pay attention to it, you appreciate it. You can't put it off till later." - Andres Amador about his art.

For more info about the artist click here. Below you will find my favorites from Andre Amador.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Sand Painting by Brian Pike

Sand painting was originally an art form that was closely tied to religion and performing religious ceremonies. Some of the most well known religious groups performing traditional sand painting are the Navajo (Native Americans), Australian Aborigines.and Tibetan and Buddhist monks.

However, in modern time sand painting has become a form of art that provides another very important benefit - sustainability! Sand painting is ecological and environmentaly friendly, it encourages responsible behaviour and the use of recycled materials and naturaly colored sand. 

Here are some examples of wonderful sand paintings created by one of the greates environmental sand artists - Brian Pike! Amazing works of sand art!

Monday, April 2, 2012

Sand Sculpture

A sand sculpture simply put is a figure made out of sand. We've all probably had experiences with creating sand sculptures at the beach at one point or another. Unfortunately, ours most probably didn't look quite like these ones.

Here are some examples of very impressive sand sculptures. So, next time your at the beach - give it a try, with the right techniques you just might be able to create a masterpiece!

Sand Art by Jim Denevan

Jim Denevan is an American Artist that performs a very unique and inspiring form of sand art.

One of the art forms that he is known for is sand drawing. Jim Denevan makes drawings on the beach using all kinds of tools (like sticks and mops for example). The amazing thing about his art is that it is easily erased and thus lasts only until the next wave or rain comes in and erases it.

But if you are ever in presence of his artistic sand drawings you will for sure be amazed by their originality.

Here are some of my favorite Jim Denevan sand drawings. For more info click here.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

What is Sand?

Naturally, since this is the first blog post, an introduction to what this blog is all about is in order, wouldn't you agree? :)

In this blog, we will not talk about the technical aspects of sand, but rather focus on the art culture that exists and that is centered around sand. We will talk about sand painting, sand animation, and sand art and artists.

Sand has different meaning to different people, but to us it is a key element in the form of art called SAND ART.

I hope you will enjoy this blog, and even find it useful.

Looking forward to sharing stuff with you!